Dimagrisce e perde 100 kg, a chi la deride risponde così: il post è virale

Dimagrisce e perde 100 kg, a chi la deride risponde così: il post è virale
Dimagrisce e perde 100 kg, a chi la deride risponde così: il post è virale
Sabato 23 Settembre 2017, 22:00 - Ultimo agg. 22:15
4 Minuti di Lettura
Per molti anni è stata oggetto di scherno perché in sovrappeso, ma piano piano Jacqueline Adan si sta prendendo la sua rivincita e non ha alcuna intenzione di mollare. Su Instagram pubblica le foto dei suoi progressi e per ora ha perso ben 100 chili. In un post racconta di quando è stata derisa a bordo piscina e nonostante la pelle in eccesso e il fisico non perfettamente in forma vuole lanciare un messaggio a chi la denigrava.

When we were on vacation in Mexico a few weeks ago, it was the first time I had worn a bathing suit in a long time, and it had been even longer since I wore a bathing suit without a cover up. I was nervous to take my cover up off and to walk into the pool or walk on the beach. I still felt like that same 500 pound girl...then it happened. A couple sitting by the pool started laughing and pointing at me and making fun of me as soon as I took my cover up off. So what did I do? I took a deep breath, smiled and walked into the pool. That was a huge moment for me. I had changed. I was not the same girl anymore. Yes I still have a lot of loose skin, I may still feel insecure at times, and yes I may still get made fun of. To be honest, yes it bothered me. But I was not going to let people like that affect me anymore! I am not going to let what other people think of me stop me from living my life. They do not know me. They do not know how I have worked my ass off to lose 350 pounds. They do not know how I am recovering from major surgeries. They have no right to sit and point and laugh at me. That's why I smiled. It does not matter what others say or if they try to doubt you or try to bring you down. What matters is how you react to it. How you feel about yourself. Loving yourself just the way you are is hard. Others might not like that. That's ok. I hope you love yourself. Love your body. I hope you keep doing you and just keep smiling! . . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #effyourbeautystandards #selfloveclub #selflove #lovemybody #lovemyshape #loveyourself #teamself #extremeweightloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #wlstories #onaquest #bodybuildingcom #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #bodyposi #transformationfitnation #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #fitfam #fitspo #bodytransformation #igtransformations #transformationjourney

Un post condiviso da Jacqueline⬇️300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) in data:

Il post ha raccolto quasi 30mila "mi piace" e racconta: "Eravamo in vacanza in Messico qualche settimana fa quando per la prima volta ho indossato un costume da bagno, era da tantissimo tempo che non lo indossavo senza coprirmi - ha raccontato -. Ero nervosa di togliere il copricostume e andare in piscina o camminare in spiaggia. Mi sentivo come la stessa vecchia ragazza grassa. Ma poi è successo. Una coppia seduta in piscina ha iniziato a ridere, ad indicarmi e a prendersi gioco di me non appena l'ho tolto. Quindi, cosa ho fatto? Ho preso un profondo respiro, ho sorriso e sono entrata in piscina. È stato un grande momento per me. Ero cambiata. Non ero più la stessa ragazza. Sì, avevo sempre la pelle in eccesso, e forse mi sentivo sempre insicura e sì, venivo ancora presa in giro. Ad essere onesti, sì, questo mi destabilizzava. Ma non voglio più che persone del genere abbiano un simile impatto su di me! Non voglio più lasciare che l'opinione che altre persone hanno su di me mi impedisca di vivere la mia vita. Loro non mi conoscono. Loro non sanno quanti sacrifici ho fatto per perdere tutti questi kg. Loro non sanno come mi sono ripresa dai vari interventi chirurgici. Non hanno il diritto di sedersi, indicarmi e provare a buttarmi giù. Cosa conta è come si reagisce a tutto questo. Come ci si sente con se stessi. Amarsi per quello che si è è difficile. Ad altri potremmo non piacere. Va bene così. Io spero che vi amiate. Amate il vostro corpo".

Hi! My name is Jacqueline! When I was at my heaviest I was over 500 pounds. It was hard to do anything and I definitely was not living the life I wanted. I was unhappy, felt stuck and did not love myself. Finally I decided enough was enough and I took control back of my life. As of today I have lost over 300 pounds. I am also in the process of having excess skin removal surgery. My journey was far from easy. It was filled with many ups and downs. It took hard work, sacrifice and never giving up, even if it was challenging. It took blood, lots of sweat and many tears. But I would not have changed a thing. It taught me to fight. It taught me to never give up. And most importantly it taught me to believe in myself! My journey is still far from over, and I still have a long way to go but I can honestly say I am doing so much better! Along my journey I did not only lose a lot of weight, but I gained my life back! There is no stopping me now! It's never too late to fly! . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #effyourbeautystandards #selflove #lovemybody #lovemyshape #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #extremeweightloss #wlstories #onaquest #bodybuilding #bodytransformation #bodybuildingcom #poparmy #transformation #transformationfitnation #trainlikeabeastlooklikeabeauty #transformationtuesday #tuesdaytransformation #fit #fitspo #igweightloss #fattofit #naturalweightloss #fitfam

Un post condiviso da Jacqueline⬇️300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) in data: