45-Year-Old Man Found Dead in Oliveto Citra Woods

Va a raccogliere legna nei boschi, trovato morto
Va a raccogliere legna nei boschi, trovato morto
Monday 4 March 2024, 21:15
2 Minutes of Reading
A 45-year-old from Calabritto, Giuseppe Gonnella, was found dead while collecting wood in the woods of Oliveto Citra. The lifeless body of the 45-year-old was found by the Carabinieri of the Contursi Terme station and the environmental zoophilic guards. Immediate alarm to 118. However, the rescuers could only confirm his death. Pain and dismay in Calabritto, where the funeral will take place. Many have joined in the family's grief. Giuseppe Gonnella was most likely struck down by an illness.
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