50-Year-Old Man Suspected of Attempted Robbery at Slot Machine Venue

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Un rapinatore
Wednesday 28 February 2024, 15:20 - Last updated : 15:34
2 Minutes of Reading
A 50-year-old man, originally from Mercato San Severino, is suspected of being the author of an attempted robbery at the slot machine venue in Sacile (Pordenone) dating back to January 25: for this reason, the Gip of Pordenone has signed the precautionary measure of the obligation of daily presentation to the judicial police. According to a reconstruction, the man, after entering the venue and having a coffee, had passed a plastic bag to the slot room employee, of Chinese nationality, and had ordered her to put the money in it, opening his jacket and menacingly showing a gun. The arrival of another employee made him flee. At that time, the man was residing in Colle Umberto (Treviso), but he has vanished, reaching his parents' home in Mercato San Severino, where the measure was executed. During the house search, a replica of a semi-automatic weapon similar to a Beretta 92, without a red cap, was seized, which is suspected to have been used for the attempted robbery.
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