61-year-old caught by police for burning plant waste and plastic on his agricultural land

Brucia rifiuti vegetali e plastiche nel suo fondo, 61enne nei guai
Brucia rifiuti vegetali e plastiche nel suo fondo, 61enne nei guai
Friday 2 February 2024, 19:09
2 Minutes of Reading

A 61-year-old man was caught by the police for burning plant waste and plastic on his own agricultural land.

The man has been reported.

It happened in Solofra, during territory checks by the police. Specific services have been set up for the Serinese and the Solofrano, which also involved reinforcement teams from the Operational Intervention Company (C.I.O.) of the 10th Carabinieri Regiment Campania of Naples and the Radio Mobile Quota (since yesterday located at the Montoro Station), employing 108 patrols.

In total, about 490 vehicles and over 520 people were checked, eighty of whom had police records.

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