80-Year-Old Woman Foils Scammers and Alerts Police

Un posto di blocco della Polizia di TeleseTerme
Un posto di blocco della Polizia di TeleseTerme
Monday 25 March 2024, 19:52
2 Minutes of Reading
She did not fall into the scammers' trap and helped to stop and report them. The protagonist of the episode was an 80-year-old woman from Cusano Mutri who had been insistently tried by two men to sell a set of pots that were later found in their car to be counterfeit. The woman, suspicious and alarmed by their pressure, alerted the Police by reporting the type of car on which the two were traveling. The vehicle, after a targeted and thorough search, was intercepted and stopped while traveling towards Naples, on the Isclero valley floor in the territory of Melizzano. On board were two people, residents in the province of Naples, both burdened by numerous police records for property crimes and, in particular, for fraud. The two, in evident agitation, identified themselves as representatives of a pot company in the area for work reasons. Considering the previous report of attempted fraud, a personal search extended to the vehicle was carried out, in whose trunk there were two sets of pots and a set of 8 kitchen knives. Therefore, a report was filed for the attempted fraud.
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