A Flower for Aldo and Raffaele: A Community Remembers

Gli attivisti di Libera davanti alla stele che ricorda Delcogliano e Iermano
Gli attivisti di Libera davanti alla stele che ricorda Delcogliano e Iermano
Saturday 27 April 2024, 20:19 - Last updated : 20:21
2 Minutes of Reading
“A Flower for Aldo and Raffaele”: many today have responded to the call of “Libera” and, starting from 9, the commemorative stele located in the municipal villa of Benevento has served as a center of gravity for the affection, gratitude, and emotion that, 42 years after their assassination, continue to evoke the figures and the tragic story of the regional councilor Raffaele Delcogliano and his friend and collaborator Aldo Iermano. The activists of the “Libera” coordination in Benevento were the first to pay tribute to the two victims of the Red Brigades, who acted on the basis of an “infamous pact” with the Camorra. This was followed by flowers from the diocesan Catholic Action, the Anpi section of Benevento, the diocesan Youth Ministry, the “Laboratory for Public Happiness”, the Agesci Scout Area Samnium, the municipal administration of Benevento represented by the deputy mayor Francesco De Pierro, citizens, and other realities of the territory. The laying of flowers will continue today until this evening, when at the Garden of Memory of the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Benevento, a commemorative moment for Delcogliano, Iermano, and the young carabiniere from Sant'Agata, Tiziano Della Ratta, will be held. It will be the closure of these three days of memory “as a constant, enduring, plural, inclusive, and collective exercise”.
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