A Holy Mass in the Factory: Celebrating Workers' Day

L'iniziativa nella diocesi di Caserta e nell'arcidiocesi di Capua
L'iniziativa nella diocesi di Caserta e nell'arcidiocesi di Capua
Monday 29 April 2024, 20:24
2 Minutes of Reading
A holy mass in the factory. This is the method chosen by the diocese of Caserta and the archdiocese of Capua, with Bishop Pietro Lagnese, to celebrate the workers' feast day. Tomorrow, May 1st, on the occasion of the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, patron saint of workers, Monsignor Lagnese will celebrate a holy mass in the 'Laminazione Sottile' factory in San Marco Evangelista and one, at 11:30, in the 'Tme' in Portico di Caserta. The first plant is in the territory of the diocese of Caserta, the second in that of the archdiocese of Capua. A way to directly remind within the companies, together with the workers, the work, in every form, saying no to accidents.
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