A Young Inmate from Naples Greets the Pope on Behalf of All Prisoners at Montorio Jail, Verona

Il Papa in visita a Verona
Il Papa in visita a Verona
Saturday 18 May 2024, 15:07 - Last updated : 21 May, 22:53
2 Minutes of Reading
It was a young Neapolitan inmate who greeted the Pope on behalf of all the prisoners of Montorio jail, in Verona. Speaking after director Gioieni – 'There is life inside here, Your Holiness' – the young man was invited to speak on behalf of the 592 inmates. 'The emotion of this day that You decided to spend largely with us will always be carried within us, even when we have finished paying for our mistakes,' said the young man, concluding with the phrase in Neapolitan: 'Your Holiness, for us, you are a piece of our heart.' The Pontiff encouraged the inmates to 'rise again', because forgiveness is for everyone and hope is a right. Then the exchange of various gifts created by the inmates and the painting depicting the Virgin Mary brought by the Pope. Then the blessing and the 'enjoy your meal to everyone' before entering the prison for lunch.
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