Addressing Early Onset Eating Disorders: Strategies and Interventions

disturbi alimentari
disturbi alimentari
Tuesday 2 April 2024, 11:14
2 Minutes of Reading
The study on eating behavior disorders (Dca) has highlighted in recent years the pathology of anorexia in a very young age range (between 11 and 13 years). It is necessary to analyze the causes that lead, especially in female subjects in adolescence, to the development of this serious pathology, which if not caught in time, and treated by professionals in the field, can compromise the patient's life. The Ananke Villamiralago Foundation, with locations throughout Italy, has been operating for years with qualified personnel to inform, analyze, and treat these disorders. Free listening desks, exhibitions, and events in which both patients and parents and professional staff participate. It is essential to pay maximum attention to the use of Social Media, which do not help the patient, but contribute to the early establishment of this problem. Young girls, as early as middle school, if not earlier, come into contact with a world based on aesthetics, feeling dissatisfied with their own bodies. In addition, the first menstrual cycle, compared to a few years ago, arrives early and the girls notice the change in their bodies, but are not yet emotionally and psychologically ready to face it. This is one of the problems that can contribute to the onset of eating behavior disorders, and therefore to the establishment of eating-related issues. It is the parents' task to closely follow the adolescent processes of their children, and where a problem is noticed, to strictly turn to professional facilities and competent doctors.
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