Alzheimer: A Chasm of Shadows Where Love Shines Light

Vincenzo Mallamaci
Vincenzo Mallamaci
Saturday 27 April 2024, 12:38
2 Minutes of Reading
“Alzheimer: A Chasm of Shadows Where Love Shines Light” is the title of the conference organized by the Lions Club Capaccio Paestum Magna Grecia, chaired by Dr. Vincenzo Mallamaci, which will take place on April 29 at 6 PM at the Royal Paestum, and will see the awarding of the “Oscar of Unconditional Love” to the event's godmother, Ornella Muti. The conference, which will be opened by the mayor of Capaccio Paestum Franco Alfieri, will be moderated by president Mallamaci himself. Speakers will be Dr. Maria Rosaria Picariello, councilor for social policies of the municipality of Capaccio Paestum, Dr. Vincenzo Pizza head of the neurology department at San Luca Vallo della Lucania hospital, professor at the popular university of lifestyle medicine Life Style Medicine, Dr. Raffaele Sinno anesthetist and resuscitator, head of Day Surgery at the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Benevento, professor in philosophy and bioethics and writer. Then Dr. Filomena Peduto psychologist psychotherapist ASL Salerno, Dr. Nunzia Vecchione psychotherapist coordinator of the San Luca medicine and rehabilitation center, engineer Gennaro Sosto general director ASL Salerno, Dr. Katia Pinto president of the Alzheimer Italy federation and Dr. Alessandra Mocali founding president of the Airalzh association will intervene. The conclusions will be entrusted to Dr. Pasquale Bruscino governor of the Lions district 108 Ya.
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