Approval of Service Contract for the Management of Cultural Services in Benevento

Clemente Mastella e Renato Giordano durante "Città Spettacolo"
Clemente Mastella e Renato Giordano durante "Città Spettacolo"
Thursday 25 January 2024, 19:32 - Last updated : 26 January, 09:56
2 Minutes of Reading
The council, chaired by Mayor Mastella, has given the green light to the draft service contract to be signed with the Fondazione Città Spettacolo for the management of cultural services in the capital. The Foundation will be the concessionaire of the use and management of the 'Vittorio Emmanuele' Municipal Theatre, the De Simone Theatre and the San Nicola Theatre. The Municipality will entrust it with the realization of the comprehensive cultural project 'Benevento City Show' in its various articulations. The contract has a duration of six years. For Mastella and for the Councillor for Culture Tartaglia Polcini with this step 'the 'Theatre System' takes shape, which is the declared aim of the programme and the concrete vision of the administration to enhance the purposes and aims of promoting the city with the dynamism of the foundation participation model'. It is also underlined the guarantee of continuity of an institutional synergy and functional subsidiarity between the Municipality and the Foundation, thanks to the provision of 'Tools for the adoption of a permanent system of relations' between the two entities, aimed at the best interpretation and sharing of the aims of promoting the culture of the arts, theatre and show.
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