Attempted Murder Arrests of Teens in Naples

Scontro tra baby gang a Napoli, ferito un minore: arrestati due coetanei
Scontro tra baby gang a Napoli, ferito un minore: arrestati due coetanei
Wednesday 6 March 2024, 10:39 - Last updated : 14:16
2 Minutes of Reading
The State Police of Naples have carried out a precautionary custody order which has arranged for the imprisonment of a 17-year-old and a 16-year-old for the crime of aggravated attempted murder. The measure refers to a shooting of a 16-year-old that took place on the evening of December 27, 2023, in Carlo III square, Vicaria area. On that occasion, the victim arrived at the Pellegrini Hospital with a bullet wound to the right arm and was hospitalized for a long time in the surgery department. The ammunition used was hunting type, which typically breaks into small pieces after hitting the target. The victim underwent surgery to remove all the fragments. The reason for the confrontation was said to be the rivalry between young groups belonging to different neighborhoods: the clash was between boys from the Borgo Sant'Antonio Abate area (which the victim is part of) against young people from the Rione Reggia in Poggioreale, on the border between Naples and Casoria. The executed measure concerns two precautionary measures, arranged during preliminary investigations, against which appeals are allowed, and the recipients are persons under investigation and therefore presumed innocent until a final sentence.
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