Autism Awareness Conference: A Moment of Sharing and Understanding

L'incontro sull'autismo a Casagiove
L'incontro sull'autismo a Casagiove
Saturday 3 February 2024, 18:48
2 Minutes of Reading
It was not just a conference. It was a moment of sharing, as in the spirit of the association 'AMA', a moment to live together without the limits that the word 'diversity' still creates. '...It's just autism', the meeting with associations and personalities involved in the world of disability, organized by lawyer Maria Rosaria Tavano in collaboration with the association 'AMA', to provide concrete answers to families who face daily isolation and the problems of autism, was held yesterday morning at the 'Maremoto' theater in Piazza San Michele in Casagiove and ended at the 'GardenAut' park. The interventions of the speaker Maria Rosaria Tavano, the child neuropsychiatrist Domenico Bove, the lawyer Luigi Adinolfi, the president of the association 'The strength of silence' Vincenzo Abate, and Chiara Guerriero, president of the association 'My world exists' have told about the discomfort that families with autistic children live due to all those barriers not only architectural but also mental that still need to be knocked down. However, optimism, as always happens, prevailed and the information unraveled by professionals in various sectors have become a seed of reflection especially for those who, in that room, only superficially know a reality still too ignored. 'My goal is to make known what autism means, to inform as many people as possible to overcome every prejudice and to be able to start that path of coexistence in which everyone is included. This meeting - said the president Raffaella Famiglietti - was organized to present the progress made in knowledge and to show the way taken to guarantee inclusion paths. We are all the same, each with their own diversity and this is the wealth of a community. A wealth that is clearly evident in the GardenAut garden in via Iannotta in Casagiove, managed by 'AMA' and open to all, where party days are organized and where, yesterday, the meeting ended. Next appointment at GardenAut for the Carnival party on Sunday, February 11, while for another conference on the subject there is still to wait: probably on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day.
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