Benevento Construction Site Seized for Urban Planning Violations

Vigili urbani in azione
Vigili urbani in azione
Tuesday 9 April 2024, 20:07
2 Minutes of Reading
Yesterday, officers and agents of the Benevento municipal police, judicial police unit, coordinated by commander Pasquale Pugliese, in collaboration with the building surveillance service of the urban planning sector, coordinated by architect Antonella Moretti, after investigations with accompanying documentary reconstruction, found that construction works were underway on Via Cavour in violation of urban planning and building regulations. Under criminal seizure, the construction site area of 1,480 square meters, where an excavator was also operating and various equipment was present. The construction works of land clearing and excavation, for the construction of three terraced houses and 24 garages, were authorized by two building permits from 2020 and 2021, whose enabling titles were not deemed suitable by a recent check of the urban planning office of Palazzo Mosti. Complex was the documentary reconstruction of the municipal police, which went through the examination of "five different enabling titles, title transfers to two different companies, change of technicians and construction companies. Some titles had been rejected by the building surveillance office and made unproceedable due to the absence of legal requirements." Various objections were raised by the judicial police operators, ranging from the absence of suitable enabling titles to the variation and increase of urban standards, absorption of the permissible volume, area lacking in building potential (saturated zone) and false certification. From the technical-descriptive annexes of the intervention, it appears that the buried part developed an area of 600 square meters, for a volume of about 2400 cubic meters, and "is disproportionate compared to the shape and therefore would in fact assume the characteristics of a partially underground building body with the capacity to build a building volume." Eight people were reported, in various capacities, to the Prosecutor's Office at the court of Benevento, including building violations and ideological forgery, in complicity among clients, owners, two legal representatives of the company, and several technicians. Meanwhile, the people involved are subject to preliminary investigations and therefore presumed innocent until a final sentence.
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