Beyond the Wall: A Community and Artistic Revival Project

Il centro di Cerreto
Il centro di Cerreto
Saturday 6 April 2024, 18:53 - Last updated : 21:42
2 Minutes of Reading
The first phase of collecting and selecting a themed phrase for "Beyond the Wall", a project for the regeneration of a historic-cultural space conceived and presented by the Catholic Action, together with the Seminary, the "Luigi Sodo" institute, Caritas, the Migrantes Office, the social cooperative ICare, the "L'agorà" association of Dugenta, the Catholic Action student movement, and the main social actors of Cerreto Sannita like the Youth Forum, Pro Loco "Cominium", interparish Catholic Action, and the parishes of the "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Cathedral" and "San Martino Vescovo" is about to conclude. The project, among the winners of the 2023 social project competition "Ideas in Motion" of the Catholic Action Workers Movement (in collaboration with the Office of Social and Labor Pastoral Care, the Policoro project, and the Italian Caritas) at the XVIII Day of Social Design, concerns the regeneration of a historic-cultural space, always inclusive and aggregative, such as the sports field of the diocesan seminary of Cerreto Sannita, through an artistic-community contest (street art with urban muralism workshops, screen printing, and stencil) on the themes of legality, the fight against mafias, and the contrast to all violence and bullying. The most voted themed phrase by the members of the workgroup will inspire the work of the street artists. "We have officially set out," explained in a note the president of the diocesan Catholic Action Lia Salomone, "to start going 'beyond the wall' in this project that aims to artistically regenerate a good, enhancing it and involving the same community that lives that historical-cultural good firsthand."
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