Building violations under scrutiny in Ischia: Five people reported

Ischia, abusi edilizi tra Barano e Serrara Fontana: cinque denunciati
Ischia, abusi edilizi tra Barano e Serrara Fontana: cinque denunciati
Saturday 17 February 2024, 11:22 - Last updated : 18 February, 14:26
2 Minutes of Reading

Building violations are always under the scrutiny of the carabinieri of the Ischia company with 5 people reported by the carabinieri of the Barano di Ischia station. In the municipality of Serrara Fontana, the military together with the staff of the municipal technical office have reported two people who had illegally carried out renovation works inside a hotel.

In the area - subject to seismic constraints - a raised reinforced concrete curb had been built on an existing wall. On the new wall, about 30 centimeters high and 70 centimeters wide for a length of 20 meters, also H-shaped beams. The works were seized. In Barano, on the other hand, the carabinieri reported the 3 owners of a property where building works had been carried out without any enabling title and in an area subject to seismic, environmental and landscape constraints.

The military have ascertained the illegal construction of plasterboard panels and tiles on an existing building for a total surface area of about 47 square meters. they also found the creation of plasterboard panels under the perimeter cover of a building. the three would have applied windbreak nets and panels on a total surface area of about 70 square meters.

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