Casalesi Clan Infiltration in Private Security Business: One Conviction and Four Acquittals

Clan dei Casalesi, condannato cognato del figlio del boss: era coinvolto nel business della vigilanza privata
Clan dei Casalesi, condannato cognato del figlio del boss: era coinvolto nel business della vigilanza privata
Friday 15 March 2024, 11:41 - Last updated : 16:36
2 Minutes of Reading
A conviction and four acquittals at the end of the trial held at the Naples North court on the infiltration of the Casalesi clan into the private security business. The only person convicted by the judging panel was 61-year-old Enrico Verso - three years of imprisonment - brother-in-law of the justice collaborator Raffaele Bidognetti, son of clan leader Francesco Bidognetti known as 'Cicciotto 'e Mezzanotte'. The judges acquitted Antonio D'Abbronzo (defended by Mario Griffo), 52 years old from Villaricca, Eugenio Di Laura, 56 years old from Gricignano d'Aversa, Carlo Verdone, 64 years old from Rome (namesake of the actor), Vincenzo Siano, 71 years old from Sant'Antimo. Verso was found guilty of having committed extortion against an entrepreneur from Parete, forced to pay 1500 euros. Arrested in 2019 by the Carabinieri, the investigation against Verso, coordinated by the Naples district anti-mafia directorate, revealed how the 61-year-old linked to the Bidognetti family had imposed the surveillance service of the companies connected to him on numerous companies in the territory, even working in Rome, particularly in Cinecittà.
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