Celebrating 100 Years: A Theatrical Journey at Museo Correale

Evento musicale al museo Correale
Evento musicale al museo Correale
Thursday 2 May 2024, 20:08 - Last updated : 23:09
2 Minutes of Reading
The stage is set at the Museo Correale, which this year celebrates its 100 years since opening with an event calendar full of surprises, where theater will also play a leading role. Among the appointments dedicated to this theme, the series titled "In Scena al Museo" produced by "In scena s.r.l." with the artistic direction of Carmela Somma. It begins on Sunday, May 12th with Isa Danieli and Patrizio Trampetti in "A False Incident", which tells the story of a man who has built a world around himself populated with regrets, but who, thanks to the help of a loved one, portrayed by the great actress Isa Danieli, will acquire a whole new light. Then, it continues on Sunday, May 26th with the concert by Gianni Lamagna in The Songs of Naples and those of Aniello Califano, and on May 31st with Gea Martire in "The Story of G.G.", a tale where two personalities, one fragile and the other femme fatale, live in the same person in a schizophrenic carousel with grotesque and amusing notes. In June, on Friday the 7th, it will be the turn of "Cyrano called 'o Bergerac" by and with Adriano Falivene, Rostand's masterpiece translated from French to Neapolitan, which tells the story of Ciro Ercole Savignano called Cyrano: a dreamer, rebel, and swordsman. While on June 23rd, Massimo Andrei in "The Fire in the Pit - I sing, you sing, and she sings too". Finally, the last two appointments in July: On July 7th with "At the Appearance of the True" from the dialogues of Giacomo Leopardi and "Three. The Prozorov Sisters", freely adapted from "Three Sisters" by Anton Chekhov on stage at the Museo Correale on July 26th. All the shows of the "In Scena al Museo" series will be held at 8:00 PM inside the Museo Correale di Sorrento, some with free admission and others for a fee. The entrance for the paid shows can be purchased online via the Etes platform or directly at the Museo Correale's ticket office.
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