Celebrating Antifascist Italy: Liberation Day in Naples

La festa della Liberazione a Napoli
La festa della Liberazione a Napoli
Thursday 25 April 2024, 11:50 - Last updated : 18:35
2 Minutes of Reading
"Long live antifascist Italy", is the cry that rose in Piazza Carità in Naples during the celebration to remember April 25th, Liberation Day. In a square crowded despite the heavy rain, the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, the prefect, Michele di Bari, and the heads of the law enforcement agencies, laid wreaths at the stele in memory of Salvo D'Acquisto. During the ceremony, the square also repeatedly sang 'Bella Ciao', the partisans' song. The world of work can only celebrate in Naples, the first city in Europe to be liberated from Nazifascism, on April 25th. And paraphrasing Sandro Pertini, freedom, if not accompanied by social justice, is incomplete. In Naples even more, injustices must be fought with a determined struggle against unemployment and precariousness. Thus Giovanni Sgambati, general secretary of Uil Campania and Naples, at the sidelines of the official celebrations in the square.
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