City Council Approves Aid for Innocent Defaulters and Public Interest Declaration for Park Management

Thursday 15 February 2024, 16:47
2 Minutes of Reading

The city council chaired by Mayor Clemente Mastella approved this morning the policy directive to disburse the contributions funded by the Fund for innocent defaulting tenants.

"Innocent default - explains the councilor for Housing Policies Molly Chiusolo in illustrating the contents of the measure - is the subsequent inability to pay the rent due to the loss or significant reduction of the family's income capacity: today's policy directive paves the way for the imminent issuance of the public notice in which the terms and requirements for the disbursement of a contribution of considerable social importance will be specified".

In the same session, a declaration of public interest was also approved for the proposal to assign the management of the municipal Park named after Ciriaco De Mita.

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