Clothing Brand Owner Salvatore D'Amelio Arrested for Breaching House Arrest

Minimal, Salvatore D'Amelio arrestato a Napoli
Minimal, Salvatore D'Amelio arrestato a Napoli
Friday 26 April 2024, 18:59
2 Minutes of Reading
Last April 24, he obtained permission from the judge to leave his house arrest to visit the dentist, but after the appointment, he first went to a bar and then to one of his stores: new arrest in flagrante, followed by a sentence to eight months of imprisonment, for Salvatore D'Amelio, patron of the clothing brands Minimal and Drop List, under house arrest, on January 11, for money laundering, as part of an investigation on the Contini clan (prosecutors Converso and Orlando) of the economic and financial police unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Naples. The authorization to leave was granted by the judge exclusively for him to receive medical treatment from an orthodontist. The finance officers followed him at a distance and discovered the deviations, not allowed by the judicial authority. After the arrest was validated, today he was sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment. For the moment, he remains under house arrest awaiting the trial in which he is accused of money laundering.
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