Combating Wild Boar Damage in Caserta: A Collaborative Effort

Cinghiali in cerca di cibo vicino alle case
Cinghiali in cerca di cibo vicino alle case
Thursday 4 April 2024, 12:32 - Last updated : 12:35
2 Minutes of Reading

The Territorial Hunting Area of Caserta (ATC) welcomes the proposal from Coldiretti Caserta regarding the identification of a group of selectors who can intervene in the areas most afflicted by the presence of wild boars. This is explained in a note from the agricultural association, which talks about "a first important result obtained in the fight against the damage to crops caused by wild boars that are ravaging the entire territory with very serious damage to the agricultural sector.

In particular, Coldiretti Caserta has proposed the establishment of a toll-free number to allow for the timely and direct reporting of any damage and threats resulting from a massive presence of wild boars in a given territory. According to Giuseppe Miselli, director of Coldiretti Caserta, "damage from wild boars in the entire region is estimated at over 4 million euros, resources that could be used to modernize a sector, that of agriculture, which is a driving force for the economy of the territory".

"We need to move - Miselli adds - before another season in which farmers are then forced to count the damages. Maximum attention to vineyards, olive groves, chestnut groves, and herbaceous crops, so that the presence of wild boars does not cripple many entrepreneurs. Or worse, that these animals can pose risks to the safety of citizens traveling our roads."

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