Commemoration of Giovanni Palatucci by the State Police

Commemorazione di Palatucci
Commemorazione di Palatucci
Saturday 10 February 2024, 17:15
2 Minutes of Reading
Today, February 10, the State Police celebrate the figure of Giovanni Palatucci, former Chief of Police of Fiume, who died on February 10, 1945 in the Nazi concentration camp of Dachau, awarded the Gold Medal for Civil Merit and recognized as 'Righteous Among the Nations', for having saved thousands of Jews from genocide. The Chief of Police of Caserta commemorated Giovanni Palatucci with a ceremony held at the police station of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, with the laying of a laurel wreath at the marble monument at the entrance of the Office and dedicated to the figure of the brave public safety official. For the occasion, the chaplain of the State Police held a moment of reflection and prayer, in memory of his sacrifice. The initiative, in addition to the civil authorities, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, saw the presence of the National Association of State Police. Particularly felt was the participation of the mayor of S. Maria Capua Vetere Antonio Mirra, of the head of the school office for the territorial scope of Caserta, Professor Monica Matano, and of the Sammaritan school managers.
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