Confiscated Mafia Assets Used to Educate Youth Against Organized Crime

Don Ciotti a Castelvenere
Don Ciotti a Castelvenere
Tuesday 6 February 2024, 20:05
2 Minutes of Reading
"The goods confiscated from the Camorra that persist on our territory are available to anyone who intends to sensitize young people to fight the mafia. For years, as a municipality, we participate in tenders to obtain funds aimed at the renovation of the confiscated goods and then grant them to associations, but we are excluded from the useful rankings because our territory records a low crime rate". This is the paradox revealed by the mayor Alessandro Di Santo, opening the works with Father Luigi Ciotti, president of 'Libera', who met about 800 students of the Tourist-Hotel Institute, run by the director Nazzareno Miele. Thanking Father Ciotti for his authoritative presence, Miele and the provincial representative of 'Libera' of Benevento Michele Martino for the initiative, but above all the many young people who intervened, Di Santo added: "Castelvenere, will continue to commit to obtaining the necessary funding to make the structure operational and grant it to those who are actively engaged in the fight against the mafia".
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