Creation of the Colossal 'Albanian Key' Artwork Begins

Il progetto
Il progetto
Tuesday 6 February 2024, 20:53 - Last updated : 7 February, 01:09
2 Minutes of Reading

After the installation in Market Square in Naples, the creation of another colossal work has begun, the Albanian Key, by the artist Alfred Mirashi Milot, who won the international competition "Art in Public Space" announced by the Ministry of Culture of Albania. Among the most imposing, it is expected to be placed at the entrance of the city of Shkodra.

The curator is Albert Vataj, the artistic director Michele Stanzione, the architects Suela Dragovoja, the engineers Valbona Calliku and Enver Zafeli, Michele Palumbo, responsible for the design of the lights, Paolo Sandrini.

Made of corten steel, the sculpture aims to convey a universal message, the courage to dare: 20 meters long and 10 meters high, weighing almost 16 tons, it curves. With a hump that becomes a bridge, a symbol of integration between cultures and peoples.

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