Daring Rescue of a Six-Month-Old English Setter by Firefighters in Caserta

Il cagnolino imbragato e portato al sicuro dai vigili del fuoco
Il cagnolino imbragato e portato al sicuro dai vigili del fuoco
Saturday 11 May 2024, 22:09 - Last updated : 22:10
2 Minutes of Reading
The distress call launched by the owners first and then its whimpers could not leave the firefighters of the provincial command of Caserta indifferent. Thus, once the alarm was triggered and the target identified, the firefighters did everything they could to rescue a six-month-old English setter. And they succeeded. The puppy had fallen last Monday into a ravine of about 100 meters in the locality of Garofali in Roccamonfina and was found only on Friday after days of search. The rescue operations were conducted by the team of the Piedimonte Matese fire detachment, by the Saf (Speleo Alpine River) team of the Caserta command, and by a Saf/River team. The first recovery attempt was made on Thursday, but due to the dense vegetation, it was not possible to locate the animal. On Friday, the Saf/River team conducted a search both from below, in the Savone stream, and on the slopes of the mountain. Once the setter was identified, the Saf team planned the intervention and began to lower the operators to positions closer to the puppy. The last descent of the operator on a rope, which reached and harnessed it to secure it to himself, was about 50 meters. Once safe, it was finally returned to its owners. The story of this English setter had a happy ending thanks to the work and tenacity of the firefighters.
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