De Laurentiis' True Desire: Francesco Sinatti, the Key to Napoli's Future

Napoli, riecco Sinatti: il preparatore di Calzona che fa impazzire De Laurentiis
Napoli, riecco Sinatti: il preparatore di Calzona che fa impazzire De Laurentiis
Tuesday 20 February 2024, 15:55 - Last updated : 20:11
2 Minutes of Reading

The true object of Aurelio De Laurentiis' desire is him: Francesco Sinatti, a 39-year-old from Arezzo who in Naples is already a saint. From his hands was born the Sarri era, through his hands passed the Napoli of the championship, once again in his hands will manage the new course Calzona: the former historic vice has become today the first blue coach, at his side he will find Bonomi and precisely Sinatti, athletic trainer who knows the strengths and weaknesses, secrets and mysteries of Castel Volturno. So much so that he fascinated the patron.

Sinatti was the first to take the field today: when the training session for Calzona had not yet begun, the Neapolitan athletic trainer was already treading the fields he knows well. And he was also the first interlocutor of the new coach: when Calzona arrives on the field, before even greeting the players he turns to him. They talk about the work to be done, what has been done, what will be done.

Sinatti's farewell had taken place a few months ago, together with Spalletti: the trainer had in fact followed the Tuscan in the national team, a role of honor that he had pursued for years and that he will maintain in these months since the return in blue is realized thanks to the ok of the Football Federation arrived yesterday during the day.

But in the mind of De Laurentiis, Sinatti is indispensable: for months, in fact, the blue patron had understood that the return of the trainer had to be law at Castel Volturno. The idea was to try to take him back in the summer, but why not anticipate the times now that the pieces of the puzzle are all going in the same direction? He will be the plus weapon already of Calzona, who however may not be there next year. No matter. The Napoli must start running again and to do so it must give itself to the hands of the magician Sinatti. Where the glory has passed and where the reconstruction now also passes.

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