Discussion on Inflation, Inequality and Alternative Economic Policies

Il saggio dell'economista Francesco Saraceno
Il saggio dell'economista Francesco Saraceno
Saturday 17 February 2024, 21:51
2 Minutes of Reading

Where does the inflation that disturbs our lives come from? Why has it increased inequality? Why, like the tide, does it now seem to recede? What does the future hold for us? The choices of central banks can radically change the existence of families and businesses. Of inflation, inequality and alternative economic policies will be discussed, through his essay "Beyond Central Banks" (Luiss University Press), Francesco Saraceno, professor of International and European Macroeconomics at the Sciences Po in Paris and at the Liuss in Rome.

The conversation with the economist, which will be held tomorrow, Monday 19 February, at 5.30 pm, in the Spartaco Bookstore in Martucci 18 street in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, will be conducted by Olivier Butzbach, professor of Political Economy at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". Moderates Aurelio Bettini, chartered accountant. In opening, greetings from Carlo Cicala of Confindustria Caserta and Adele Vairo, headmaster of the "Manzoni" high school in Caserta.


Francesco Saraceno is deputy director of Ofce, the French Observatory of Economic Conditions, and member of the scientific committee of the Luiss School of European Political Economy. Tuesday morning, at 10.30, he will be a guest of the "Manzoni" high school in Caserta. Greetings from the headmaster Adele Vairo and Carlo Cicala of Confindustria. Moderates Aurelio Bettini.

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