Drug Dealing Operation with Home Delivery Service Busted

I carabinieri
I carabinieri
Thursday 29 February 2024, 21:46
2 Minutes of Reading
Drug dealing with delivery riders delivering doses to homes. Thus, in Vairano Patenora, Pietravairano, and the "Le Vallette" penitentiary in Turin, the Carabinieri of the Capua company executed a precautionary measure order issued by the court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, office of the judge for preliminary investigations, upon request of the prosecutor's office of Santa Maria Capua Vetere against three people: one ended up in prison and two under house arrest. All three are considered responsible for conspiracy in possession and drug dealing of substances such as cocaine, hashish, and marijuana. The measure is the epilogue of an investigation by the Carabinieri of the Vairano Scalo station, coordinated by this Prosecutor's Office, started in December 2021 and concluded in January 2023, carried out with the help of telephone and environmental wiretaps, video recordings, localization of mobile devices through GPS devices, observation services, control and tailing as well as through numerous police judicial findings and drug seizures. The investigation found significant behaviors on the part of the suspects who, from October 2020 to the end of 2022, had established a flourishing drug dealing operation based in the Marzanello district of Vairano Scalo, with itinerant characteristics in the neighboring municipalities. In particular, one of the arrested, a known merchant, by leveraging the relationships he maintained daily during work, set up appointments with buyers for subsequent transfers of drugs which, on some occasions, occurred through home deliveries. Especially for this last method of dealing, he mainly used a young local, already known to the Law Enforcement, and a foreign citizen, regular and unsuspected, of whom, the former had the task of making retail sales of cocaine and hashish in an itinerant, extremely fast and precise manner, constantly moving in the territory to elude suspicions and controls of the military, and the latter to keep the drug to be traded in a safe place. During the operation, numerous transfers of various kinds of substances were ascertained with the seizure of over 500 grams of drugs. The recipients of the precautionary measures are to be considered innocent until a final sentence.
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