Early Mother's Day Celebration in Naples Honors 20 Years of Soccorso Rosa Azzurro Onlus

Il Policlinico Federico II di Napoli
Il Policlinico Federico II di Napoli
Friday 10 May 2024, 15:09
2 Minutes of Reading
The Mother's Day in Naples comes early, to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Soccorso Rosa Azzurro Onlus Association. 'Premature', like the newborns that the association supports, the event will take place on Saturday, May 11th from 10 am, at the Aula Magna of the Cestev already Biotechnologies of the Federico II University of Naples and will be organized together with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Federico II University Hospital, to celebrate mothers and families who are facing or have faced the challenges of a preterm birth. The Soccorso Rosa Azzurro Onlus Association has been committed for twenty years to improving the care of newborns hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU), alongside children and their parents, from the first days of life. During the event, the third National Day for the promotion of Neurodevelopment will also be celebrated and the Federico II University and the Soccorso Rosa Azzurro Onlus Association will present the national project 'BABY@Net', of which they are part, funded by the Ministry of Health, dedicated to the surveillance of children at risk of autism. Together with former preterm infants and their families, academic and institutional authorities and entertainment personalities, always close to the association, will participate in the event. Expected are the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, the general manager of the Azienda Policlinico Giuseppe Longo, the president of the School of Medicine Giovanni Esposito, the municipal councilor Alessandra Clemente and Amedeo Manzo, president of Bcc Napoli.
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