Emergency Responder Assaulted During Roadside Incident in Maddaloni

Personale del 118 aggredito
Personale del 118 aggredito
Monday 4 March 2024, 16:48
2 Minutes of Reading
“Last night, around 8:10 PM, we were alerted to attend a road accident in Maddaloni, where there were multiple people involved and an unconscious boy on the ground. We arrived after a few minutes and I began to descend to assist the boy on the ground. He was conscious but agitated and I asked him his name. At this point, he got up and with incredible strength, he grabbed me by the throat, lifting me off the ground and hurling me into the shutter, making me fall. Not satisfied, he lunged at me and only then some men took me away in an ambulance.” This is the testimony of a nurse from the 118 station in Maddaloni, who recounted the hectic moments of an assault - the latest in a list of incidents against healthcare workers, especially women - occurring on the street during a call to an accident. “My driver and I locked ourselves in the ambulance and alerted the Carabinieri - the nurse continued - While we were waiting, the aggressor wanted to approach again and while they were holding him back, I was called with particular epithets, ‘whore, idiot,’ urging me to come down again. I went to the hospital and fortunately only suffered a cervical contusion and bruises on my neck.” “Another woman assaulted - comments Nessuno tocchi Ippocrate (No one touch Hippocrates) - another attempted murder.”
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