Empowering Women through Self-Defense: Maya Angelou's Inspiration

L'evento nella chiesa di Santa Croce a Somma Vesuviana
L'evento nella chiesa di Santa Croce a Somma Vesuviana
Saturday 13 April 2024, 16:14
2 Minutes of Reading
The words of the famous writer Maya Angelou are the source of inspiration for the initiative in favor of women promoted by the non-profit association "Infinito" of Somma Vesuviana. "A Kick to Fear" is the title that inaugurates today's meeting, April 14th, at the Santa Croce Parish of Somma Vesuviana, in Via Santa Maria del Pozzo. In the face of increasingly frequent news of violence against women, the "Infinito" association has decided to organize a lesson open to everyone on self-defense. During these two hours, participants will have the opportunity to learn the principles of good self-defense, a first step that could then be deepened in the future. Faced with persistent male violence, which represents the weapon par excellence of a backward mentality, understanding the superficial bases to respond to such situations can be a revolutionary act. In a world where mental strength often remains the only resource against violence, acquiring basic skills represents the first step to transform the situation and promote real change.
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