Enhancing Cooperation and Cultural Importance in International Agenda: A Discussion Between Italian and French Ministers

I ministri Sangiuliano e Dati
I ministri Sangiuliano e Dati
Friday 2 February 2024, 20:22
2 Minutes of Reading
"Strengthen cooperation and give more weight to culture in the international agenda", is the commitment shared by Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano in the conversation with the new French minister Rachida Dati. The economic value of synergies in the field of cinema and audiovisual was examined, with a record of co-productions between companies of the two countries. The two ministers then spoke about the challenges, starting with that of artificial intelligence, in the agenda of the Italian presidency of the G7, and they discussed exhibition projects scheduled between public museums, after the success of "Napoli in Paris", organized by the Capodimonte museum and the Louvre, but Sangiuliano reiterated the expectation that the Louvre itself will return seven stolen works to Italy, which ended up in the collections.
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