Extraordinary Control Operation in Secondigliano Neighborhood by the Police

Caserma della polizia
Caserma della polizia
Saturday 27 January 2024, 12:42
2 Minutes of Reading

Yesterday, the agents of the Secondigliano Police Station, with the assistance of personnel from the Metropolitan Police - Secondigliano Operational Unit, the Motorcyclist Group, and the Napoli 1 Central Collective Prevention Asl, and with the collaboration of the Campania Crime Prevention Department, carried out an extraordinary territorial control service in the Secondigliano neighborhood.

During the activity, 96 people were identified, of which 32 have police records, 52 vehicles were checked, of which five were subjected to administrative seizure and three to administrative stop, and 14 violations of the Highway Code for lack of insurance coverage, driving without a license and failure to display circulation documents were contested.

Finally, two commercial establishments were checked and two violations were contested for lack of hygiene and health.

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