Failed Pickpocketing Incident on a Train Leads to Arrests

Torre Annunziata, picchiato perché testimone di un tentativo di borseggio: tre arresti
Torre Annunziata, picchiato perché testimone di un tentativo di borseggio: tre arresti
Tuesday 9 April 2024, 12:50 - Last updated : 10 April, 10:52
2 Minutes of Reading
He had the misfortune of witnessing and thus being an eyewitness to a failed pickpocketing attempt on a tourist. For this reason, he was surrounded by the author of the failed theft and three accomplices and beaten. All aboard a Circumvesuviana train that was headed from Naples to Sorrento. The events took place on July 6 last year: more than eight months later, there was a breakthrough, with officers from the Torre Annunziata police station, assisted by personnel from the Mobile Squad of Naples and the Naples police stations of San Carlo all'Arena, San Ferdinando, San Paolo, and Vicaria Mercato, proceeding to execute a precautionary order issued by the GIP of the Torre Annunziata court at the request of the Oplontina Prosecutor's Office. Four people, all residents of Naples, were affected by the measure. The accusation is of attempted improper robbery in concert with each other. According to what was ascertained by the investigators, one of the four affected by the precautionary measure had attempted to pickpocket a tourist's wallet, a scene witnessed by another traveler. The attempt, however, failed and, for this reason, the author of the failed pickpocketing would have threatened the witness, subsequently reached and surrounded by the other three who would have beaten and verbally assaulted him, then leaving the train once it had arrived at the Villa Regina station. Two of the suspects have been placed under house arrest at their respective homes, a third has been subjected to the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence with the simultaneous obligation to report to the competent police station while the fourth recipient of the house arrest measure has not been traced and is now being sought.
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