Final Act of 'We love Enzo': A Tribute to the Holocaust

Cristina Donadio, Enzo Moscato e Giusppe Affinito
Cristina Donadio, Enzo Moscato e Giusppe Affinito
Monday 29 January 2024, 15:53
2 Minutes of Reading

Last appointment of 'We love Enzo': to close the journey in the scenic language of Enzo Moscato, will be Cristina Donadio, Vincenza Modica, Giuseppe Affinito and little Isabella Mosca Lamounier who, from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 February (Friday and Saturday at 8.30pm; Sunday at 6.00pm) will take to the stage of 'Sala Assoli 'Kinder-Traum Seminar' (Seminar on children's dreams or also Seminar on children in dream: the correct interpretation of the German title is deliberately left ambiguous).

Collection of different voices (Janusz Korczak, Tadeusz Kantor, Etty Hillesum, Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, Gitta Sereny, Tzvetan Todorov, Mary Berg, Bruno Bettelheim, Robert Antelme, Edith Stein, Paul Celan, Marina Cvetaeva), captured within the most devastating collective tragedy that the history of humanity can cloak: the Holocaust.

'The extermination of races and political opponents until the mad establishment of the Nazi regime, first in Germany and then in much of Europe, towards the middle of the last century: but it is not a historical-chronological reworking of those events, nor could it be - writes Moscato - given that the chosen place for the mnemonic-emotional revival of them is not a book or a film documentary transcription, but the Theater, the place par excellence not of the domains of facts or reality, but of the symbolic and the imaginary, and, in fact, symbolic, imaginary, evocative, elusive, elliptical - we are quoting, as you can see, all the possible forms in which the Poetic is given - is the dimension in which the author of the representation, wants to drop those gruesome events, not so that, thus, the history and its sad concrete aftermath are belittled, evaded, denied or erased, but, on the contrary, to reinforce them more - and not trivially contingent but in a trans-temporal and trans-subjective sense - the ineliminable incidence in our daily life'.

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