Fundraising Initiative Returns to Support Casamicciola, the Community Hardest Hit by the 2022 Landslide

Scuola elementare De Gasperi a Casamicciola
Scuola elementare De Gasperi a Casamicciola
Wednesday 20 March 2024, 14:38 - Last updated : 21 March, 09:35
3 Minutes of Reading
The fundraising initiative to help Casamicciola, the Ischian municipality most affected by the 2022 landslide, organized by the non-profit Association "The Charity Night", led by Valentina De Nunzio and Ester Chianelli, is being proposed again after the one in 2023. This time, the focus is on the children of Casamicciola to raise funds to provide a gym for the public school De Gasperi, offering those growing up on the island a new space for sports activities in the mornings and afternoons throughout the year. A year and a half ago, between November 25 and 26, 2022, a landslide from Mount Epomeo brought destruction to Casamicciola. Since then, many funds have been used for reconstruction, quickly revaluing the island from a tourist perspective, but problems remain for the inhabitants of Ischia. And Naples does not forget. For this reason, the non-profit Association "The Charity Night" has turned to many sponsors to raise funds during the charity evening that will take place on April 11 from 8 pm at the Teatro Posillipo in Naples. "After two natural disasters - explains Giuseppe Ferrandino, mayor of Casamicciola - occurring within a few years, we are facing many difficulties in Casamicciola due to the disastrous consequences especially of the earthquake. We have several schools that are in fact unusable, for which we are working to reopen them in a reasonable time, but in the meantime many students are forced to study in provisional structures that are not fully equipped. The elementary school De Gasperi, for example, which is located in the heart of the Perrone district, is attended by hundreds of children but does not have any equipped and suitable space for physical activity. For this reason, we are very confident that thanks to "The Charity Night", an event to which the municipality of Casamicciola has granted its patronage, our children will finally have a gym worthy of the name, a safe and comfortable place to carry out motor education and allow them an adequate psychophysical development". The evening will be one of solidarity and joy, with guests once again demonstrating their closeness to the island in the Gulf of Naples and will be accompanied by the music of the Zurawsky Band, presented by the well-known speaker Katia Manna and with the special participation of the actor and imitator Vincenzo De Lucia. The dinner is catered by Alba Catering with a tribute by the restaurant Fumarole da Nicola di Ischia; the wines will be those of the Casa Vinicola Casa D'Ambra. "This year," explains Valentina De Nunzio, president of the Association The Charity Night, "we return with the second edition, always to support Ischia, the island we wanted to help last year because it was the victim of a terrible flood. We cannot ignore the aftermath of that tragedy, so on those ruins we have decided to build a piece of the future. Our project focuses on the renovation of a classroom of the Public School De Gasperi, which will be transformed thanks to our intervention, into a gym for the youth. It is from our young people that we want to start again with an ambitious project, together with the Municipality of Casamicciola, which has led the process for the realization of this recreational and motor space. We are confident in a generous participation, which can help us do more for our Ischia". Those who want to participate in the evening and receive information to contribute can contact the email
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