Gigi D'Alessio Awarded Honorary Degree for Contributions to Pop Songwriting

La laurea a Gigi D'Alessio
La laurea a Gigi D'Alessio
Tuesday 30 April 2024, 21:50
2 Minutes of Reading
Visibly moved, Gigi D'Alessio received this evening the honorary degree parchment awarded to him by the 'Nicola Sala' state conservatory of Benevento for his contribution to the 'Pop for Songwriter' discipline. The ceremony took place at the municipal theater of the Samnite capital, packed with authorities and fans, where the mayor Clemente Mastella along with his wife Sandra played host. Before receiving the parchment, which was handed to him by the Conservatory director Giuseppe Ilario, and the president Caterina Meglio, the new doctor performed with some students of the Conservatory. And precisely to the young people, he said: 'The things that are learned when the files are empty, that is when you are young, are those that then stay with you forever even if life leads you to broaden your horizons.' And, again: 'Music makes you love, entertains, makes you cry. And wars could be stopped if only music would speak,' he added amidst the applause of those present. There was also room for a personal dedication to his partner: 'I dedicate this degree to Denise. It's the first important award I've received since we've been together.'
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