Gluten-Free World: An Event for Celiac Awareness and Local Delicacies

L'evento organizzato dall’associazione italiana celiachia
L'evento organizzato dall’associazione italiana celiachia
Wednesday 15 May 2024, 14:03 - Last updated : 14:04
2 Minutes of Reading
"Gluten-Free World: Bringing the Gluten-Free Universe to Your Fingertips." An event organized by AIC (Italian Celiac Association) in collaboration with the "Roots" association on the International Day of Celiac Disease (May 16). A project of inclusion and enhancement aimed at promoting, informing, and raising awareness about the values of social inclusion and the rediscovery of the territory and its excellences. The appointment is for Saturday, May 18, in Piazza Duomo in Nola, from 10 am to 3 pm: the program includes free tasting of gluten-free products, screenings, follow-ups with the presence of a laboratory for analysis, and free consultations for attendees. Debates and thematic insights will alternate with show cooking and tastings, with characteristic combinations and preparations such as the tasting of first courses by the Italian Chefs Association Torre Annunziata-Striano-Nola and the "Medici" hotel institute of Ottaviano, pasta with "Piennolo" cherry tomatoes, rice with 100-day peas from the Slow Food presidium, fried empanadas, the "Fiocco" pizza, ending with desserts. All strictly gluten-free. Awareness and Consciousness During the event, specific topics (food intolerances - the choice of zero-kilometer products - the right combinations - new entrepreneurship) will be addressed to illustrate the importance of good cooking, a good table, the choice of genuine products; to emphasize the care and promotion of food intolerance paths; to make these events inclusive with the participation of everyone, no one excluded. All premises, to raise the quality of life of over 250,000 already diagnosed celiac patients, but also to facilitate the identification and certain diagnosis of a segment of the population, estimated to be at least 350,000 people, who has never been diagnosed according to an analysis conducted by the Bhave Institute, in collaboration with the Italian Health Policy Brief magazine. The Idea of the Event The idea of the network of collaboration between entities, associations, and partners was born to promote local products but also to support young people in developing new project ideas focused on promoting their territory. An event that "wants to give everyone the opportunity to participate in food and wine trails and guided tours by the Pro Loco of Nola because - say the organizers - we will treat social and food inclusivity with care and utmost attention, committing ourselves actively to structure the food and wine trails for food intolerances and in the removal of architectural barriers, enhancing the local territory, in order to promote the culinary specialties of our tradition."
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