Husband's Affair and Domestic Abuse Leads to Arrest in Italy

Castellammare di Stabia, scopre la relazione del marito con la badante
Castellammare di Stabia, scopre la relazione del marito con la badante
Monday 22 April 2024, 14:08 - Last updated : 23 April, 11:20
2 Minutes of Reading
She would discover that her husband was having an extramarital affair with a young Moroccan girl, employed as a caretaker for his elderly mother, and for this reason, she would be subjected to ongoing violence and threats from the man, sometimes with the support of the young woman herself (who was in Italy without a proper permit). On one occasion, the victim was also forced to seek medical treatment for serious injuries to a kidney. A hellish life was interrupted thanks to the complaint filed and the testimonies gathered by the investigators, particularly those of the couple's children. Thus, officers from the police station of Castellammare di Stabia, in collaboration with those from the Torre Annunziata station, executing a precautionary order issued by the judge for preliminary investigations of the Oplonti court upon request from the Torre Annunziata prosecutor's office, arrested the 60-year-old man (whose personal details were not disclosed) and notified his lover of a restraining order from places frequented by the victim. The former is accused of domestic abuse and sexual violence against his wife, and, together with the girl, of grievous bodily harm. The investigations began with the victim's complaint, arriving at the emergency room of the San Leonardo hospital in Castellammare di Stabia with a serious injury to the left kidney. It emerged that, over the years, the woman had been forced to endure continuous physical and psychological abuse from her husband and was in a condition of permanent subjugation, to the extent of also being sexually abused by the man. The investigations were corroborated by the testimonies of the couple's children, who confirmed their mother's account of having noticed the extramarital relationship between their father and the young Moroccan caregiver of the man's elderly mother. From what emerged, the latest episode of violence against the victim was committed at the beginning of the month, when the man grabbed his wife by the throat to hold her still, allowing the girl to violently and repeatedly kick the victim, causing her the serious kidney injury, with subsequent hospitalization in a reserved prognosis.
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