Illegal Disposal of Livestock Waste Detected by Forest Carabinieri

L'area sequestrata
L'area sequestrata
Monday 12 February 2024, 13:37 - Last updated : 16:40
2 Minutes of Reading

Military personnel from the Forest Carabinieri of San Gregorio Matese, on emergency environmental duty 1515, alerted by the operational center of 112 in Casal di Principe for a suspected unusual spreading of livestock sewage, carried out a control in a buffalo company in Villa Literno with veterinary medical personnel of the Asl and technicians of the Arpac of Caserta. During the inspection, an incorrect management of livestock waste was found as there was a continuous layer of sewage, starting from the stables to the adjacent cultivated land, for an area of over 1000 square meters. Even the administrative documentation relating to the management of the waste produced in the company has been expired for years.

The investigations revealed an unauthorized management activity of non-hazardous special waste consisting of livestock effluents. The Carabinieri seized the areas affected by the illegal disposal of livestock sewage and a car in obvious state of abandonment on the bare ground. The owner of the livestock company has been reported.

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