Illegal Extraction of River Materials for Poultry Farm Construction Leads to Five People Being Reported

Carabinieri tra le terre
Carabinieri tra le terre
Friday 1 March 2024, 12:25
2 Minutes of Reading
Illegally extracting river materials for use in the construction of three sheds intended for poultry farming, five people have been reported by the Carabinieri of the Forestry Unit of Pontelandolfo, in the province of Benevento. The military, after some stakeouts, surprised an excavator at the location "Pianelle" of Sassinoro extracting materials from the Sassinora stream, which were then loaded onto a truck. The river materials were then transported by the truck to a site, a few meters away, where construction work for three sheds was underway. The Carabinieri then seized the vehicles used (two excavators and two trucks) and the land of about ten thousand square meters where the sheds were to be built. Four people involved in the covert extraction and receiving of the lithoid material and the owner of the land on which the sheds were being constructed were reported.
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