Illegal Hunting Crackdown Leads to Arrest in Casamicciola Terme

Ischia, operazione anti bracconaggio: arrestato 35enne
Ischia, operazione anti bracconaggio: arrestato 35enne
Monday 29 April 2024, 10:31 - Last updated : 30 April, 10:50
2 Minutes of Reading
The military personnel of the Carabinieri Forest Unit of Casamicciola Terme, together with the military of the Cites group - anti-poaching and animal crime operational section of Rome, and the anti-poison and anti-poaching canine units of the Carabinieri Forest Unit of Frosolone, have arrested a 35-year-old local man. The man was caught engaging in hunting activities during a general prohibition period using an unregistered weapon; specifically, during a house search, the military found 400 ready-to-use cartridges. The arrest was made possible through the use of cameras installed throughout the island to counter the illegal phenomenon of poaching during a bird migration period.
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