Impossible: A Dialogue Through Time

Una scena dello spettacolo
Una scena dello spettacolo
Monday 15 April 2024, 16:55
2 Minutes of Reading
"Impossible" is the show that will premiere nationally at the Ridotto del Mercadante on Thursday, April 18, with performances until Sunday, April 28, produced by the Teatro di Napoli-Teatro Nazionale with direction by Italo Spinelli from the homonymous novel by Erri De Luca published by Feltrinelli in 2019 – it is the story of an interrogation that turns into a dialogue on a season of Italian history. A young magistrate questions an elderly man who has spent many years in prison for revolutionary reasons. In the dialogue, the reasons, feelings, justifications that lead a human being to commit their life in a definitive way emerge. It speaks in the present of an unresolved, ambiguous past, of clashes that became fatal between a generation and the State. The magistrate now seems to have no doubts, he only asks to confirm what he believes he already knows. The defendant is suspected of murder, disguised as an accident, which occurred in the high mountains. The victim was a justice collaborator who had contributed, forty years earlier, to the arrest of the defendant and many of his companions. Was it just a coincidence or premeditation that both were present on that narrow, slippery path? In between are the love letters that the defendant, in a state of isolation, writes to his distant companion, which tell his other side, the life that began when he met her. A two-voice story that forces those on stage and the audience to physically approach a tight, essential listening, in search of words and moments of truth. On stage, the actors Elia Schilton in the role of the Defendant, Fausto Cabra as the Judge, Antonio Turco as the Lawyer. The scenes and costumes are by Elisabetta Di Pisa; lighting design by Carmine Pierri; assistant director is Manuel Di Martino. Duration of the show: 1h and 40' without intermission. Info: Ticket office: tel. 081.5513396 | e_mail:
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