Italian Hospitals in the Global Healthcare Spotlight: A Mixed Picture

Policlinico Gemelli tra i 250 ospedali migliori al mondo
Policlinico Gemelli tra i 250 ospedali migliori al mondo
Friday 1 March 2024, 12:57 - Last updated : 19:51
2 Minutes of Reading
The American magazine Newsweek, a luminary in overseas online journalism, has published a ranking relevant to the world of healthcare. The magazine considered the best hospital facilities on the planet, compiling a list that includes 14 Italian entities within the top 250 positions. However, Southern Italy is completely absent, despite the presence of research centers famous throughout Europe, it has not managed to enter the prestigious ranking. The South, particularly Naples, has always been a cradle of training for many professionals in the field, especially thanks to the presence of historic medical faculties (Federico II is the most striking example).

The importance given to training, however, is not matched by the facilities and services offered to users. Amidst endless waiting lists, chaos in emergency rooms, and severe personnel management problems, hospitals in the South are plagued by disorganization and issues that could only be resolved with new funding and a different approach to public healthcare. The first Italian hospital to place in Newsweek's ranking is Policlinico Gemelli in Rome, at 35th place, followed by Niguarda in Milan at 52nd, and San Raffaele at 57th. The Italian hospitals within the top 250 positions are only 14, most of which are located in Northern Italy, demonstrating the deep divide between the South and North also in the financial management of healthcare.

«The leadership position of Policlinico Gemelli is a source of great satisfaction for us - commented the President of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli, Carlo Fratta Pasini. The strength of Gemelli lies in its history and its mission as a hospital serving everyone, combining cutting-edge care and research, but also training for doctors and health workers. A model that merges continuous technological and managerial innovation with excellence in patient care. Results made possible by the constant economic support of the Founders, Catholic University and Toniolo Institute, and by the daily commitment of thousands of women and men» he concluded, celebrating the huge achievement reached by the Roman hospital, which remains, at the moment, the greatest Italian excellence in the field of healthcare.

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