Job Market Prospects for Welders and Flame Cutters in Benevento

Un saldatore e tagliatore a fiamma in città ha una probabilità del 63,8% di essere riassunto entro 12 mesi.
Un saldatore e tagliatore a fiamma in città ha una probabilità del 63,8% di essere riassunto entro 12 mesi.
Wednesday 31 January 2024, 15:25 - Last updated : 15:26
2 Minutes of Reading

A welder and flame cutter in Benevento has a 63.8% chance of being rehired within 12 months if they reenter the job market. And there's an 11.3% chance of becoming a carpenter and metalwork assembler.

This is an example of an estimate derived from the interactive dashboard Labour market intelligence (Lmi), created by Anpal Services. The goal is to provide a support tool for employment center operators to define the employability profile of the job seeker and identify the most appropriate path for their insertion (or reinsertion) into the labor market.

To resume the example, in the third quarter of 2023, 7 contracts for welders and flame cutters were activated in the province of Benevento by 6 employers.


From the 'Job Demand' section, other information emerges: the 7 workers are all males, hired with a permanent contract in 42.9% of cases and are mostly (42.9%) aged between 45 and 54 years. Few young people between 15 and 24 years old (14.3%).

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