Leadership Change at San Carlo's Ballet School

Napoli, Stephane Fournial lascia l'incarico di Direttore
Napoli, Stephane Fournial lascia l'incarico di Direttore
Friday 12 April 2024, 19:56 - Last updated : 19:57
2 Minutes of Reading
The San Carlo Theatre Foundation announces that the Director of the Ballet School, Stephane Fournial, will leave his position starting from September 1, 2024. "I want to publicly thank the director for his work over the years, which has allowed for significant growth and enhancement of our historic school, I extend to him my best wishes for his future work," declares the superintendent of the San Carlo Theatre, Stéphane Lissner. The direction will pass to the current director of the Ballet Corps, Clotide Voyer, from September 1, 2024, who will maintain both directions.
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