Major Drug Bust in Scampia: Woman Arrested with 200 Doses in Possession

Pattuglia dei carabinieri
Pattuglia dei carabinieri
Saturday 13 April 2024, 14:10
2 Minutes of Reading
In the car, she had 100 doses of drugs, including cocaine, heroin, cobret. At home, she had another 100. Operation by the Carabinieri in Scampia: a 37-year-old local woman, already known to the law enforcement, was arrested. The military - after many hours of observation and tailing - identified the woman in her car while she was driving through Viale della Resistenza Lotto M and stopped her. Upon searching, she was found in possession of the first 100 doses. The Carabinieri then extended the search to the woman's home and there they found and seized another 100 doses of drugs. The total seizure of 200 grams of narcotics led the military to also search the home of the woman's mother in Pozzuoli, before arresting her; she, too, had been stopped last October by the Carabinieri for the same crime. At the mother's house, the Carabinieri found and seized 2716 doses of heroin weighing nearly 2 kilograms, 425 doses of cocaine exceeding 350 grams, 150 doses of crack, and 375 doses of cobret totaling 200 grams of narcotics.
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