Man Killed in Neighborhood Dispute Over Parking Space

Le indagini
Le indagini
Saturday 13 April 2024, 17:43 - Last updated : 14 April, 09:17
2 Minutes of Reading
A man was killed in Parete, on via 2 agosto, this afternoon around 4 PM. The origin of the murder was a condominium dispute over trivial reasons, likely a contested parking spot. A 60-year-old man died after being hit by three gunshots. The murder victim was named Sebastiano Tessitore and was 60 years old. His assassin, the 74-year-old neighbor, is still being interrogated by the carabinieri in the barracks. The man was stopped immediately after the crime - which occurred around 4 PM - and did not resist the carabinieri. The murder weapon, a legally held 9mm pistol, was seized. The origin of the violence was a dispute over parking.
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