Man Threatens Sister with Knife Over 30 Euros, Arrested

L'arma sequestrata dai carabinieri
L'arma sequestrata dai carabinieri
Sunday 24 March 2024, 12:02 - Last updated : 25 March, 15:47
2 Minutes of Reading
He pointed the knife at his sister's throat after she refused to give him 30 euros. It happened yesterday in Maddaloni. The timely intervention of the woman's husband blocked the man, allowing the victim to break free, flee, and seek help from the carabinieri, to avert the worst. When the local station's military arrived on the scene, the aggressor, a 48-year-old local man who lives in the same courtyard as his sister but in different apartments, had already left. Searches in the area surrounding the dwelling and throughout the territory of Maddaloni were immediately launched, which at least initially, were unsuccessful. And while the carabinieri were engaged in searching for the man, the woman, accompanied to the barracks, formalized the complaint. To the same military of the Arma, the victim recounted previous episodes of threats suffered from her brother due to his continuous demand for money, which she never complied with, believing it to be strictly connected to the brother's need to purchase drugs, which, at least in the past, she knew he had used. While the woman was formalizing the complaint, the military of the Arma, who never stopped looking for the man, identified and stopped him as he was returning home. Arrested and searched, he was found in possession of the knife he was keeping in the right pocket of his trousers. He was taken to prison in Santa Maria Capua Vetere.
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